Family Exploration Day
Saturday, August 5th
@ Golden Gardens
The sun is shining, children are out of school, and hopefully work is allowing time for some summer family fun! What better way to enjoy a Saturday then to have the Family come explore our beautiful wetlands!

Join WREN for unstructured, independent exploration of the wetlands! We provide a backpack of binoculars, field guides, bug net, hand magnifier, and bug boxes, you bring your curiosity and sense of adventure! Drop by anytime between 10am and 2pm to check out your backpack. WREN staff and volunteers will be on hand to answer your questions. This event is FREE and families are encouraged!
Join WREN for unstructured, independent exploration of the wetlands! We provide a backpack of binoculars, field guides, bug net, hand magnifier, and bug boxes, you bring your curiosity and sense of adventure! Drop by anytime between 10am and 2pm to check out your backpack. WREN staff and volunteers will be on hand to answer your questions. This event is FREE and families are encouraged!
Directions to Golden Garden can be found
on our Facebook page @WRENintheWEW