Despite the rather cool, cloudy weather, turnout for the event was great again this year. Nearly 200 folks rode their bikes or walked the bike path between Beltline and Greenhill Rd. on Saturday, May 31. It was a great finale to another successful year of American Wetlands Month events in the West Eugene Wetlands! Thanks to our community partners and all who participated throughout the month!
Students from the U of O's Environmental Leadership Program taught visitors about wetland wildlife.

Paul Gordon, with the Lane County Beekeepers Association, brought his pug Shinju with him, who dressed for the occasion.
People of all ages enjoyed the ride.
Lane County Audubon Society's booth was in the perfect location for some great birding. 
Meadowlark Prairie Overlook was the site for several organizations, including Weed Watchers, the Long Tom Watershed Council and the Cascades Raptor Center.