Monday, September 9, 2019

National Public Lands Day 2019

Saturday, September 28th
9:00-12:00 p.m.
West Eugene Wetlands Project Office; 751 S. Danebo Ave.

National Public Lands day aims to get people connected with the public lands in their community and is the largest single-day volunteer effort in the nation. This year, WREN is partnering with the BLM to highlight the resilience of public lands.  

Bring your family, friends, students, and coworkers to spend the morning giving back to our community spaces! Volunteers will help paint a mural, clean-up garden beds, plant natives, pick up trash and more. 

Attendees will receive a coupon good for a free entry to any public land managed by one of the federal partners, a t-shirt and snacks and beverages.

This September, celebrate something we all share: our public lands!

Family Exploration Day 2019

Saturday, September 14th

10:00am-2:00 p.m.
West Eugene Wetlands Project Office; 
751 S. Danebo Ave.

In celebration of our partnership with the BLM and the Every Kid Outdoors program, WREN will be hosting a very special FREE Family Exploration Day focused on engaging kids and their families in recreation and stewardship of our public lands.

WREN experts will be leading short, interpretive walks through the wetlands, facilitating an art project using inks and dyes derived from natural sources, and checking out backpacks filled with goodies for self-guided exploration. Drop by anytime between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. WREN staff and volunteers will be leading walks on the hour. Light refreshments will be provided.